The Oppressor in Me

The most challenging experience I have had to date is facing, knowing and meeting the oppressor and victimizer in me. Meeting this archetype, expressing consciously and unconsciously through me, with curiosity, facing the judgements and attachments I observe arising in me when engaging with her or being identified with her, feeling the emotional responses of shame, guilt, anger, frustration, sadness and grief, contemplating the artificial sense of power, safety...

On Service

Understanding the real nature of our being and the principles of this Universe leads to many a subtle and powerful shift in our perceptions and knowledge of existence and our role in it. I held an unconscious misunderstanding of what it means to give of ourselves and our gifts to life for most of this lifetime. Conditioned to (un)consciously take undue responsibility for the wellbeing of all beings and...

The Hungry Ghosts

We often talk a lot about the things we want, we long for or miss. But it is our actions, choices, visions and thoughts that reflect what we truly choose to go after. Regardless if these things are what we consciously want or not, the circumstances and things we have manifested by our choices (not necessarily illnesses, accidents, loss of loved ones etc.) have been created and magnetized by our...

Soul Love

Your partner is a soul, with life lessons to learn and karma to work through. You don’t own your partner. Just because you are in a committed relationship they don’t belong to you. They belong to Life itself. And as much as you are together in a relationship, remember that they also have their own soul lessons and karma that they are here to grow and evolve through. Some...

Oceans and Cliffs

“The waves hit the cliff with more intensity than the shore, because the ocean knows the cliff has that masculine intensity which won’t complain about her feminine energy.” ~ Nityananda Das If I would have seen the above quote years before I would have laughed and asked to see such a man. The only people I had ever experienced meeting feminine energy in her wild and intense emanation with strength...

Body and Moon

I wished I had grown up surrounded by women who loved and honored their body as well as their moon time. Women who were keepers of the knowledge about the sacredness of our flesh and blood. I am more than sure it would have spared me decades of pain, feeling victimized by my own body due to my culturally skewed perception of her and her magic. I have learned...


This is my third month of implementing more fully and consistently changes to my social interactions and engagements which I have been contemplating and been drawn to for the past two years. One of my ongoing experiments to find better alignment between my inner world and external expressions focusing on appreciation. I stopped congratulating people on their birthdays This is a rather funny thing to me as I wasn’t...

Male Feelings of Inferiority and Patriarchy

There is a pattern in my life of men feeling inferior or less than me. My responses to it varying between trying to ignore it, degrees of discomfort, trying to make them realize its untruth, feeling frustrated, a shame fueled repulsion or numbness towards them…. which sometimes ended up disrupting or even ending relationships I otherwise valued highly. I had witnessed with increasing awareness the emotional charge held in...

Out of Identity

I am currently been guided to take my mind on a sharply contrasting journey of observing the human mind (darkness) and consciousness (light), within as well as without, to release further distortions of separation and duality.   It is a fun and yet challenging journey that has me more in my observing and reflective mode than in communicative and social mode and I find myself often incapable to engage...

Things I Intend to Grow and Expand in 2019

Expanding in Love Expand in awareness and self-reflection, Integrating the parts that fear love or don’t want to give it, illuminate the negativity held in my subconscious and gently release its beliefs, patterns and existence, lower defences that outlived their usefulness and cultivate trust. Service to Life Showing up to serve Life in every way I am called for in the moment. Honing my skills of listening to guidance...

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