History to HERSTORY

I have patiently sat with my pain and anger, learned the lessons that I attracted for this part of my journey and affirmed, once again, my wholehearted commitment to Self and Source. Now the time has come to close out this chapter, to cut ties with these aspects of the past, discard what is dead, let go of what no longer is life-enhancing and head towards creating happiness, love...


I think this is my favorite milestone to date in the journey of love:  The moment I KNEW that I am ready and fully capable of loving another in their light AND darkness, EVEN if my darkness is raging in the loudest language of trauma. This is a self mastery I wouldn’t have believed I was capable of just a few years back and yet I choose to work...

Laughing and Reflecting

I am laughing at the absurdity of investing my energy in trying to co-create a relationship with someone and then allowing myself to be drained and depleted, experience rejection, neglect, emotional scarcity and other painful states in the process of it… when I KNOW, from experience, that putting only a tenth of that energy in my relationship with Self and Source creates an overflow of contentment, love, creativity, passion...

Love as an Inside Job

When feeling the lack of reciprocity in a relationship and my confused and wounded inner child reaches her sticky little hands to grasp for a beloved’s love, care or attention my impersonal self takes her little hands, gently cleaning them while speaking of our wholeness to her.  She calls in the part who learned to be incredibly attentive, caring, loving and present with partners, their needs, wants and desires...


Attachment to depth attracted shallowness,  Attachment to the inner attracted the outer. Preference for emotional and spiritual intimacy attracted mere mental and physical intimacy.  Preference and attachment to anything creates the experience of the contrast and thereby cultivates suffering. Such is the price of choosing to play in duality and separation consciousness. Stepping back, releasing attachments and preferences, moving into equanimity and freedom from cycles of self-perpetuated and co-created...

Mind, Intuition and Consciousness

But what after all, behind appearances, is this seeming mystery? We can see that it is the Consciousness which had lost itself returning again to itself, emerging out of its giant self-forgetfulness, slowly, painfully, as a Life that is, would be sentient, half-sentient, dimly sentient, wholly sentient and finally struggles to be more than sentient, to be again divinely self conscious, free, infinite, immortal. ~ Sri Aurobindo I often use...

Commitment to Love

The moment we choose to love we begin to move against domination, against oppression. The moment we choose to love we begin to move towards freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others. That action is the testimony of love as the practice of freedom. ~ bell hooks, Outlaw Culture My journey of self-integration and healing can be narrated as a journey of commitment to love for...


With so much of the planetary family on fire (Siberia, Amazons) or in extinction by human doing I find myself in deep contemplations about it and my part in it all. Living from a knowing that all is one and having a profound resonance with the Huna belief that what I perceive as a problem is my problem and in my power to address… I do not feel removed...

Psychological Patriarchy

“In my work with men and women I distinguish between political patriarchy, which is the sexism that has been the target of most feminist writing, and what I term psychological patriarchy. Psychological patriarchy goes beyond the relationship between actual men and women- as individuals or as a class. Psychological patriarchy is the dynamic between those qualities deemed “masculine” and “feminine” in which half of our human traits are exalted...

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