Conscious Relationship

Our longing for connection is natural to human existence. We are all tribal people and our health and happiness are intricately tied to connecting with others. It is often through relationships, especially intimate relationships, that we find meaning and purpose in our lives. Yet, for most of us, relationships are a struggle.   It has been said that relationship is the yoga of the West. An intimate relationship is...


For the past weeks it has been in the ethers that old relationships are coming back for restoration, resolution or dissolution. Whenever I picked up on the energy my first thought oddly enough was pulled to my father. Whom I have cut out of my life after decades of manipulations, betrayals and scheming in the family system to isolate and get at my mom and I. The couple of...

To the one who feels intimidated and diminished by my being and self expression.

I have empathy and compassion for how my self expression makes you respond. I understand that my expressions can allow your system to utilize and distort them to self-abuse or self-denigrate and elicit defensiveness and attacks on me. Nonetheless, as you might have experienced, I will stay true to myself and express what wants to be expressed in the moment. Not from a lack of care for your feelings...


“Let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be...

The Bridge

“Someone can be madly in love with you and still not be ready. They can love you in a way you have never been loved and still not join you on the bridge. And whatever their reasons you must leave. Because you never ever have to inspire anyone to meet you on the bridge. You never ever have to convince someone to do the work to be ready. There...

Oceans and Cliffs

“The waves hit the cliff with more intensity than the shore, because the ocean knows the cliff has that masculine intensity which won’t complain about her feminine energy.” ~ Nityananda Das If I would have seen the above quote years before I would have laughed and asked to see such a man. The only people I had ever experienced meeting feminine energy in her wild and intense emanation with strength...

Male Feelings of Inferiority and Patriarchy

There is a pattern in my life of men feeling inferior or less than me. My responses to it varying between trying to ignore it, degrees of discomfort, trying to make them realize its untruth, feeling frustrated, a shame fueled repulsion or numbness towards them…. which sometimes ended up disrupting or even ending relationships I otherwise valued highly. I had witnessed with increasing awareness the emotional charge held in...


Allow me to invite us all to dig a little deeper and ask more of ourselves in honoring sovereignty, ours and others, in our thinking, conceptualizing and acting. It is temptingly easy to walk the path of the ego and uphold narratives of victimhood and helplessness while giving away our power by blaming life or others for the pain and challenges we face. Our cultures have conditioned our responses...

My Lifestyle

There are foundational and non-negotiable aspects to the way I choose to live my life and what I welcome, cherish and love in others. I take full responsibility for my life, my experiences, my emotions, thoughts and actions. I work on being accountable and actively work on repairing the damage I caused and on learning to be more mindful and sensitive to the boundaries and needs of others. Yet...

In Love

I hope you rise in love with someone who knows how to love, with someone who grows you, someone who listens to you, someone who supports your dreams, someone who love themselves fiercely, someone strong enough to be vulnerable, someone who remains present when triggered, someone who makes you a priority, someone who makes you laugh, someone who broadens your perspectives, someone who derails victim/perpetrator/savior dynamics, someone whose actions...

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