In Love

I hope you rise in love with someone who knows how to love,
with someone who grows you,
someone who listens to you,
someone who supports your dreams,
someone who love themselves fiercely,
someone strong enough to be vulnerable,
someone who remains present when triggered,
someone who makes you a priority,
someone who makes you laugh,
someone who broadens your perspectives,
someone who derails victim/perpetrator/savior dynamics,
someone whose actions align with their words,
someone who treats you like the divinity you are,
someone who drives you crazy and walks you back to sanity,
someone who inspires you to be a better you,
someone who shares all of themselves with you,
someone whose loyalty is unwavering,
someone who loves all of you – light and shadow alike,
someone who has a proven practice of self work,
someone who makes you feel safe,
someone who chooses to forgive and learn,
someone who incites your admiration and adoration,
grow in love with someone who is good for and to you.

~ 10.01.2017

Photography by Maud Chalard
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