Fear of the Body

I had a surprising realization yesterday while I was in the midst of a current practice to release fear programs. Suddenly my mind turned towards my body and I saw that after all the work in self love and honoring of my body there was still deep down in my subconscious a FEAR OF THE BODY. Consciously that didn’t make any sense to me because what is there to...

This Year

This has been an outstanding year of learning for me as I am thankfully getting the hang of attracting/ creating catalysts of learning which take a rather pleasurable than painful form.  I still cannot quite wrap my head around the fact that we can think we are honest with ourselves and then Life holds up the most unlikely of mirrors up to us and lets us see aspects of...


Most people have never heard of transmutation in a psychological or spiritual context or any idea of its possibilities and gifts. Transmutation is the transformation of one element into another – a historically alchemical concept. Transmutation doesn’t easily fit into the linear materialistic and brittle westernized mind. Minds that have not been given knowledge and understanding of our fluid and changeable make up and thereby limiting and obstructing our...

Retreating to Heal

In cycles of deep inner healing I observe myself retreating from certain people not from a space of judgement but from an intuitive knowing that their energy is disruptive or detracting from my healing. Harshness, judgmental attitudes, criticizing, unconsciousness and coldness are uncomfortable in our adult, detached or armored states. When we delve into inner child healing, opening to the rawness of our essence and our darkest stories of...


“Women have been sacrificed throughout history, yet we women are today sacrificing the feminine on a large scale within. And then we are blaming the masculine. We want to offer our deepest apologies to man for all the hurt we have caused you. We carry anger for past abuse, and unconsciously we are punishing the masculine even when you show up as love. We lead you on and reject...


“If you can learn anything from the failure of love, then that thing is: become more aware, become more meditative. And by meditation I mean the capacity to be joyous alone. Very rare people are capable of being blissful for no reason at all – just sitting silently and blissfully! Others will think them mad, because the idea of happiness is that it has to come from somebody else....

Definition of Titration

Titration includes two things: 1Titration is the act of slowing down your response, be it emotional or physiological, to a VERY VERY slow pace. You become the director of the pacing of your processing, making it extremely slow, in effect opening up more space for the settling and integration of numerous activation/arousal responses and all associated information coming at you at once. Titration is the skill set that involves...

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