Health Lessons

As many things in my experience the health issues I had to face in the past year served as an initiation into subtler levels of the mystery of embodied life. Which I, as usual, only can realize more fully now. Illness, especially one that is connected with a potential for death, has a way of triggering existential fears. Fears as old as our ancestral lineages, fears embedded in every...

Being a Mystic

On the surface level I am not different to everyone else I might pass on the street. After all I still am embodied, hold a conditioned personality matrix in the mind, and experience life primarily from a human experiential vantage point. And yet the internal experience and quality of life and aliveness is very different to what I once experienced at earlier points of this lifetime. Life has dramatically...

Online Dating

I believe no one was more surprised than me when my intuition gave me a nudge to start online dating again after having stepped back from it for years. And what a very different experience it was this time around thanks to the ways I have changed. I was not attached to the outcome and it felt like an eerie experiment or adventure life was sending me out on....

Lost in Translation

Dating makes me acutely aware of my unique communication style, preferences, and language skills, which for the longest time remained hidden in exchanges with soul kin and close friends. When communicating with people who lack an aligned spiritual background, or who have not delved into it as far, my mind starts translating, explaining, and becoming more detailed in conveying its meaning. Realizing the difference in cosmologies and how these...

The Primal

Last night the primal mind and animal entered a new level of communication with me, no longer shrouded in symbols and metaphors to be decoded, their meanings unfolded with an unprecedented clarity and directness. And interestingly enough, it was not in dream time but in the liminal space between dream world and waking world that said communication unfolded. I am in a newfound and visceral awe of this archaic...

Hello from the Other Side

There are many facets and sides to me. Sides most of you never encountered, regardless if they are light or dark. It has been a long journey of coming to terms with the broadness of the spectrum of emotions, behaviors and thoughts I am capable of holding and embodying. A long journey to embrace the parts that triggered my fears and deeply embedded and repressed feelings of shame. There...

Masculine Leadership and Feminine Submission

It is so compelling to let someone else take the lead and surrender or take the position of leadership and dominate. After all the journey has been long and we had to fight and work hard on our own and feel depleted or tired or felt disempowered and unacknowledged and will grasp at any chance to leave that behind. When I look at it closely and feel into my...

Laughing and Reflecting

I am laughing at the absurdity of investing my energy in trying to co-create a relationship with someone and then allowing myself to be drained and depleted, experience rejection, neglect, emotional scarcity and other painful states in the process of it… when I KNOW, from experience, that putting only a tenth of that energy in my relationship with Self and Source creates an overflow of contentment, love, creativity, passion...


The transformational power of awareness lies in pure perception without the interference of limitations and distortions arising from words, concepts and conditionings, collective agreements.  When pure awareness shines the light of perception on something it knows it down to the multi-dimensional nature and creative potentiality of consciousness it is made of. It is the power of this kind of perception that awakens flow and transformative potentiality in the observed...

Heart message

This image resonated deeply with my heart and made me come back to it again and again until I heard the message I was meant to hear in full. My heart whispered: “If someone, whom your conditioning, culture, religion or society has labeled as “less than,” enters your experience pause and expand into full presence. Know viscerally that the differences your mind seems to perceive are mere illusions in...

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