Divine Union

I have been called to retreat into contemplation and reflection on my two primary relationships in life: the relationship with Source and the relationship with Self.  My mind assumed it to be a call for assessment of how well I did in the past year or where I failed to show up in my core relationships, oh how stunned it was to realize it was wrong.  At first the...

The Inner Child and The Beloved

I have a triune inner child made up of the innocent and pure essence of my being, the wounded child frozen in time and pain and the warrior protecting the wounded child. For the longest time I have thought of my inner protector as an adult and powerful aspect of myself as my perception of her was colored by a deep set and disempowered victim mindset and perception. Through...


I haven’t cried this much while reading a book in decades. I cried over the perpetuations of pain across generations, the relational mutilation of the men I know intimately and love, the pain their pain brought to our relationships and me, I cried over all the wasted energy in attempting to understand, help and support when the men were too blind or afraid to truly face their truth and...


I am reveling in the joys and gifts of saying YES to a beloved. There is something deeply enlivening, healing and joyful in observing your being meet a beloved’s being, needs, wants, dreams and wishes with yes and yes and yes again. The magic of effortless, authentic and whole-hearted welcoming of the multi-dimensional wholeness of him is sublime and intoxicating in the best of ways. Where do I find...

How To Open A Woman

“I want to learn how to open a woman” he said.⠀ ⠀ She looked at him. “First you have to learn how to FEEL into her”, she replied.⠀
”Well then teach me. Isn’t there a type of tantric massage I can learn to do that?”⠀
 “No sweetheart” she said, “you can only learn to feel into a woman by feeling into your own inner feminine.”⠀
 “My what? …How?”⠀

The Hungry Ghosts

We often talk a lot about the things we want, we long for or miss. But it is our actions, choices, visions and thoughts that reflect what we truly choose to go after. Regardless if these things are what we consciously want or not, the circumstances and things we have manifested by our choices (not necessarily illnesses, accidents, loss of loved ones etc.) have been created and magnetized by our...

The Bridge

“Someone can be madly in love with you and still not be ready. They can love you in a way you have never been loved and still not join you on the bridge. And whatever their reasons you must leave. Because you never ever have to inspire anyone to meet you on the bridge. You never ever have to convince someone to do the work to be ready. There...

Meet Me

“in the in-between spaces of being, in the multitude of questions with no answers yet, in the disconcerting not-knowing i will meet your rawness in its multi-facetted beauty with tenderness. in the training grounds of compassion and love i will meet your growing trust and brightening light with delight. in the eye of the storm of your fears i will meet your excitement and dance with your spirit… in...

Social Contracts and Rituals

A lot of the social contracts and rituals we have in our cultures, which pretend to serve peace and connection in our community are essentially serving the matrix and keep us firmly asleep.  When you take time to meditate on this you might arrive at the knowing that humans are in no need for formal, static rules of engagement or rituals, whose roots and meanings are “lost” on us...

In Love

I hope you rise in love with someone who knows how to love, with someone who grows you, someone who listens to you, someone who supports your dreams, someone who love themselves fiercely, someone strong enough to be vulnerable, someone who remains present when triggered, someone who makes you a priority, someone who makes you laugh, someone who broadens your perspectives, someone who derails victim/perpetrator/savior dynamics, someone whose actions...

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