Self-loathing or the Absence of Self Love

“Self-loathing is a poison so many of us drink. We cocoon in its phlegm and lose ourselves. And then we starting looking to other people to nourish our souls; to feed us attention, validation, completion, love. And when the dose is insufficient, we put others down – to their faces, in our heads -because sucking energy out of people for a whiff of fast food superiority is juicy, fatty...


Almost is a strange little word that can express very different perspectives and conclusions. It can be a hopeful word, edging us on to persevere and reach our goal or it can express the frustration or sadness of missing a goal by a fraction. Almost good enough Almost good enough can make you choose to happily settle for it and be content or find yourself regretful over not persisting...

Inner Child

There is a beautiful little girl within me, a tender little thing full of love and empathy for all and a love for all things light-hearted and funny. Many years ago I made her a solemn promise, to always be by her side, to protect her, surround her with loving, gentle and fun kids and to create an inner garden and palace for her to enjoy life like never...

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