
Acceptance doesn’t equal tolerance or willingness to engage with something for me, it means “I see you and accept your existence” in my world.

The past has gifted me the realization of how fundamental acceptance is to my inner peace. And has cultivated an appreciation for how it calms my being and gives me more resources to meet life in a more lighthearted, creative and playful way.

Another aspect for me is that when I cannot accept circumstances or reality as they are I cannot truly change them. Which is why I choose to observe and analyze a situation as multidimensionally as possible, even if I tend to label or communicate it in a short-hand form.

I understand that someone, who is beholden to unconscious or subtle fights with reality, self and conditional about acceptance has a hard time perceiving my way of engaging with life and mistakes outer appearances as being akin to lack of acceptance.

And though I accept it as one of the many sad realities of engaging with others my choice, more often than not, will be to minimize or step away from engaging with such a person. Stepping away is owed to acceptance of my body’s limitations in weathering projections, distorted energy and attacks arising from another’s inner war. 

Acceptance is peace.  And sometimes sustaining peace necessitates an end to the tolerance of proximity to the accepted, out of self love.

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