This Year

This has been an outstanding year of learning for me as I am thankfully getting the hang of attracting/ creating catalysts of learning which take a rather pleasurable than painful form.  I still cannot quite wrap my head around the fact that we can think we are honest with ourselves and then Life holds up the most unlikely of mirrors up to us and lets us see aspects of...


Most people have never heard of transmutation in a psychological or spiritual context or any idea of its possibilities and gifts. Transmutation is the transformation of one element into another – a historically alchemical concept. Transmutation doesn’t easily fit into the linear materialistic and brittle westernized mind. Minds that have not been given knowledge and understanding of our fluid and changeable make up and thereby limiting and obstructing our...

Being loving with the unloving

Loving and caring for a loved one means giving of and sharing ourselves unconditionally. Most of the times we gladly do it because we enjoy it, but love requires us to also do it when times are hard and we are being challenged out of our wits. Yes, sometimes we are called to stand in the blazing fires of their stories, their pain, their unfairness towards us in the...

Self Work, Trauma and the Gift of Equanimity

“Our thoughts are mainly controlled by our subconscious, which is largely formed before the age of 6, and you cannot change the subconscious mind by just thinking about it” ~ Bruce Lipton Most of human actions (some estimate about 95%) are driven by the subconscious, which is the recording of our first 7 years and an ongoing replay and reaction from other people’s beliefs, principles and words. Only few...

On The Emerging Self and Conditions Of Relating With Me

“When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.”~ Maya Angelou I write often about letting go and walking away as it has become an ongoing practice on this path of awakening. Much of what I used to love, hold dear or enjoy has lost its meaning and had to be released to a past owned by an old self. The hardest moments are when I...

Walking Away from a Relationship

“I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things that are not meant for me.” When relationships shift or end I have learned to be vigilant as I keep my ego on a short leash to assure it doesn’t play out the narratives of break ups and suffering it has been conditioned to believe. I do not allow it to denigrate the other to...


Sometimes we come across something or someone who stirs recollections of beauty, mystery and possibilities of pleasures once desired and almost forgotten. Like this beautiful space most unexpectedly nested in a garden I was led to in Germany. From afar I expected it to be magical and have an air of zen and deeper harmony about it.⠀ ⠀ And as we get closer to it, as we see through...

Internal Conversations

Here is what a conversations with my goody-two-shoes (GTS) part used to be like: Mind “He is fun and i enjoy the conversations we have but he is not my type, I am not attracted to him physically.“ GTS  “You cannot be so superficial, it’s the personality that counts, looks will fade away but the personality stays. You are not being very spiritual, are you?“ Inner Child “He does not...

Open Mind

We live in times where most have conditioned responses originating from subconscious fear and shame imprints expressing through an unwillingness to confront, listen and contemplate, with ridicule and judgement which are often in tandem with and egoic false superiority towards anything not in line with personal opinions or current cultural or scientific theories and beliefs. Our wiser ancestral traditions had the ability to engage with ideas, be they opinions...

Mind (or Dust)

I am afraid when I realize just how much of men’s trivialities I have allowed to become a part of my own life. Rubbish, idle rumors, insignificant instances trumped up and broadcasted for all to hear. Intrusions on the mind, sacred ground. Has the mind become nothing more than a public square, a table for tea-time gossip? We have forgotten that our minds are the corners of the heavens?...

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