Vision for the new Cycle

Notes to self: Practice BEing in the NOW. Make BEing an embodiment of love, evolutionary consciousness and self mastery your priority. BE the fullest version of Self you can be. BE an embodiment and loving protector of freedom, yours and other’s. Master your ego and mind, teach them to serve Self and Source/Life/the Divine. BE better at balancing internal contrasts (work/rest, action/receptivity, yin/yang, etc.) and expand your wellbeing, resilience...

New self, new Year

My newly reborn self is very different to the previous iteration I have been living from in the past decade. Born from the former iterations long journey of healing trauma, integrating inner selves, finding the oneness of all dualities, balancing masculine and feminine energies and ventures into the void, she is a more fiery warrior, playful being, easy lover, intuitive networker, mystical dancer, and sovereign being....

Social Contracts and Rituals

A lot of the social contracts and rituals we have in our cultures, which pretend to serve peace and connection in our community are essentially serving the matrix and keep us firmly asleep.  When you take time to meditate on this you might arrive at the knowing that humans are in no need for formal, static rules of engagement or rituals, whose roots and meanings are “lost” on us...

Things I Intend to Grow and Expand in 2019

Expanding in Love Expand in awareness and self-reflection, Integrating the parts that fear love or don’t want to give it, illuminate the negativity held in my subconscious and gently release its beliefs, patterns and existence, lower defences that outlived their usefulness and cultivate trust. Service to Life Showing up to serve Life in every way I am called for in the moment. Honing my skills of listening to guidance...

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