Expressing Appreciation

I am realizing how much I have been habituated to a ‘subculture’ expressive in appreciation, compassion and love, which is far removed from the usual way of relating in this world. It has been a key part of my healing journey to be surrounded by soul kin who embody a more attuned, loving, and verbally expressive appreciation for life. They have modeled a better, or rather a more natural...


Playing with new tools of making sense of internal processes and relational dynamics and communication has been fascinating. Congruence and incongruence have been centered in revisiting of past and analysis of current experiences. Slowing experiences down to a crawl, sending them through new layers of inquiries into subconscious perceptions, subtle projections, and distortions. Acknowledging meanings of my creation and the feelings these cause, observing feelings about the caused feelings....

The Invitation

I have been contemplating the outstanding and exquisite nature of a conversation with a stranger recently encountered on my walk. Trying to remember when last I had a comparable experience of effortless and seamless flow of understanding, knowing, expansion, inspiration and the wonderment of encountering oneness, sameness and differentiation concurrently and blissfully.  Thinking back and sense-feeling through memories of encounters with beloveds and inspiring beings on my path I only came...

Transparency in Relationships

What is transparency in relationships? Transparency means to be open, honest and truthful.In the context of relationships, it is vital to the evolution of the partnership. It shows trust in our partners and our ability to be vulnerable and let someone in to what we are experiencing. Without transparency, there is no sharing and it shuts down growth. Lack of transparency or openness can cause issues in relationships. Deflection...


For the past weeks it has been in the ethers that old relationships are coming back for restoration, resolution or dissolution. Whenever I picked up on the energy my first thought oddly enough was pulled to my father. Whom I have cut out of my life after decades of manipulations, betrayals and scheming in the family system to isolate and get at my mom and I. The couple of...

On Service

Understanding the real nature of our being and the principles of this Universe leads to many a subtle and powerful shift in our perceptions and knowledge of existence and our role in it. I held an unconscious misunderstanding of what it means to give of ourselves and our gifts to life for most of this lifetime. Conditioned to (un)consciously take undue responsibility for the wellbeing of all beings and...


Allow me to invite us all to dig a little deeper and ask more of ourselves in honoring sovereignty, ours and others, in our thinking, conceptualizing and acting. It is temptingly easy to walk the path of the ego and uphold narratives of victimhood and helplessness while giving away our power by blaming life or others for the pain and challenges we face. Our cultures have conditioned our responses...


Reflecting on current experiences I realize that there has been a shift in my communication preferences I haven’t been fully aware of. I am way less affected by the communication style of people because of changes in my relational system and levels of self love. Few still manage to get under my skin and remind me to step into my inner spaciousness, observe my reactivities and stories my ego...

Open Mind

We live in times where most have conditioned responses originating from subconscious fear and shame imprints expressing through an unwillingness to confront, listen and contemplate, with ridicule and judgement which are often in tandem with and egoic false superiority towards anything not in line with personal opinions or current cultural or scientific theories and beliefs. Our wiser ancestral traditions had the ability to engage with ideas, be they opinions...

Labels and Fragility

Lately I am experiencing people’s fragility and reactivity around the use of appropriate labels that are self chosen by another or a group of people. This mean ego move is not unknown to me, I have been doing this and might be in the danger of doing so when triggered, out of ignorance and lack of sensitivity. I understand the discomfort with labels some might feel with a view...

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