Being Needed, Wanted, Valued?

Growing up in a family where people displayed codependent and covert narcissistic traits my system was entrained with a lot of misperceptions and distortions. Making me all too comfortable with dynamics and relational patterns that were not only unfulfilling and asymmetric but also harmful to my mental and physical wellbeing. This is why I had to explore and learn the differences and qualities of being needed, wanted, and valued....

Dream School

I often refer to dream school but have not yet explained what I mean by that, which allowed everyone to find their own definition or understanding but not really know mine. Dream school in my definition is set apart from usual dreams, which are made up of the feedback and information shared by the subconscious and its capacity to read energy and other subtle cues for survival or wellbeing...

The Invitation

I have been contemplating the outstanding and exquisite nature of a conversation with a stranger recently encountered on my walk. Trying to remember when last I had a comparable experience of effortless and seamless flow of understanding, knowing, expansion, inspiration and the wonderment of encountering oneness, sameness and differentiation concurrently and blissfully.  Thinking back and sense-feeling through memories of encounters with beloveds and inspiring beings on my path I only came...

in the void

called back to the core sensing the need for a new path one free from the weight of what was listening to the wisdom and potentiality of now time has no meaning or abode here human scripts are but a thin specter the numinous rays of the eternal sun call for evolution the lilting voice of gaia whispers of cycles and rebirth as the soul attunes to new harmonic...

Little Soul

Once there was a little soul who got very excited one day, ran to God and said: “I know who I am!” God said, “That’s nice who are you?” The little soul said, “I am the light.” God said, “That’s right you are the light.” The soul thought for a second and said, “But I want to be the light!” God said, “But you are the light.” The soul...

Fear of the Body

I had a surprising realization yesterday while I was in the midst of a current practice to release fear programs. Suddenly my mind turned towards my body and I saw that after all the work in self love and honoring of my body there was still deep down in my subconscious a FEAR OF THE BODY. Consciously that didn’t make any sense to me because what is there to...


Most people have never heard of transmutation in a psychological or spiritual context or any idea of its possibilities and gifts. Transmutation is the transformation of one element into another – a historically alchemical concept. Transmutation doesn’t easily fit into the linear materialistic and brittle westernized mind. Minds that have not been given knowledge and understanding of our fluid and changeable make up and thereby limiting and obstructing our...

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