Walking Away from a Relationship

“I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things that are not meant for me.” When relationships shift or end I have learned to be vigilant as I keep my ego on a short leash to assure it doesn’t play out the narratives of break ups and suffering it has been conditioned to believe. I do not allow it to denigrate the other to...

Retreating to Heal

In cycles of deep inner healing I observe myself retreating from certain people not from a space of judgement but from an intuitive knowing that their energy is disruptive or detracting from my healing. Harshness, judgmental attitudes, criticizing, unconsciousness and coldness are uncomfortable in our adult, detached or armored states. When we delve into inner child healing, opening to the rawness of our essence and our darkest stories of...

Open Mind

We live in times where most have conditioned responses originating from subconscious fear and shame imprints expressing through an unwillingness to confront, listen and contemplate, with ridicule and judgement which are often in tandem with and egoic false superiority towards anything not in line with personal opinions or current cultural or scientific theories and beliefs. Our wiser ancestral traditions had the ability to engage with ideas, be they opinions...

Mind (or Dust)

I am afraid when I realize just how much of men’s trivialities I have allowed to become a part of my own life. Rubbish, idle rumors, insignificant instances trumped up and broadcasted for all to hear. Intrusions on the mind, sacred ground. Has the mind become nothing more than a public square, a table for tea-time gossip? We have forgotten that our minds are the corners of the heavens?...

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