Thank You 2021

For teaching me more on WHOLENESS by encouraging me to set more internal and external boundaries to codependency and enmeshment and practice healthy detachment. For letting me repose in and relish desireless EMPTINESS and delight in embodying the void. For making me ask myself how I can bring more of the qualities of the VOID to my experiences and encounters. For teaching me to face REALITY as it is...


One way of making sense of my life so far is as a succession of 1. joining a unit (e.g. family, cult, friends, partners, work, identities) 2. Striving and struggling to belong by doing my best to adhere to its rules, principles and boundaries 3. Beginning to chafe at it and inescapably and painfully outgrowing it while being pulled into a new chapter of my life and belonging. Every...

in the void

called back to the core sensing the need for a new path one free from the weight of what was listening to the wisdom and potentiality of now time has no meaning or abode here human scripts are but a thin specter the numinous rays of the eternal sun call for evolution the lilting voice of gaia whispers of cycles and rebirth as the soul attunes to new harmonic...

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