Vision for the new Cycle

Notes to self: Practice BEing in the NOW. Make BEing an embodiment of love, evolutionary consciousness and self mastery your priority. BE the fullest version of Self you can be. BE an embodiment and loving protector of freedom, yours and other’s. Master your ego and mind, teach them to serve Self and Source/Life/the Divine. BE better at balancing internal contrasts (work/rest, action/receptivity, yin/yang, etc.) and expand your wellbeing, resilience...

Closing The Ranks

We decide with which layers of reality we wish to engage with, regardless if its consensus matrix reality or the larger undistorted reality of existence. There are no false decisions, every choice is a valid path of exploration in the game of consciousness. No need to police or change another’s choices and perspective vantage points. There is nothing to fix or try to understand there. (Note to self!)  ...

Laughing and Reflecting

I am laughing at the absurdity of investing my energy in trying to co-create a relationship with someone and then allowing myself to be drained and depleted, experience rejection, neglect, emotional scarcity and other painful states in the process of it… when I KNOW, from experience, that putting only a tenth of that energy in my relationship with Self and Source creates an overflow of contentment, love, creativity, passion...

The Bridge

“Someone can be madly in love with you and still not be ready. They can love you in a way you have never been loved and still not join you on the bridge. And whatever their reasons you must leave. Because you never ever have to inspire anyone to meet you on the bridge. You never ever have to convince someone to do the work to be ready. There...


This is my third month of implementing more fully and consistently changes to my social interactions and engagements which I have been contemplating and been drawn to for the past two years. One of my ongoing experiments to find better alignment between my inner world and external expressions focusing on appreciation. I stopped congratulating people on their birthdays This is a rather funny thing to me as I wasn’t...

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