Vision for the new Cycle

Notes to self: Practice BEing in the NOW. Make BEing an embodiment of love, evolutionary consciousness and self mastery your priority. BE the fullest version of Self you can be. BE an embodiment and loving protector of freedom, yours and other’s. Master your ego and mind, teach them to serve Self and Source/Life/the Divine. BE better at balancing internal contrasts (work/rest, action/receptivity, yin/yang, etc.) and expand your wellbeing, resilience...

Dance to Self

Listen to the silence between words, The silence that envelops soundThis is where our hearts are one, The infinite, diverse and vast One. Hear the song of creative potentialLet it move you, sing through youUnite us in a dance to its driving rhythms Taking us where life is eternally made and remade.  Shed your skins of stories and grievancesRelease the conditioning and beliefs of knowing it all.Find your curiosity, awe and innocence Open...

Notes to Self – Choose Someone

With the upcoming Venus retrograde we are headed into our underworld to reassess our relationships as well as who and what we value in our life. What better time to write down the lessons learned in recent experiences with men as a note to self on who to choose? This is a highly personal condensed list yet I hope it serves you as an inspiration for your own contemplations on preferences...

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