On Service

Understanding the real nature of our being and the principles of this Universe leads to many a subtle and powerful shift in our perceptions and knowledge of existence and our role in it. I held an unconscious misunderstanding of what it means to give of ourselves and our gifts to life for most of this lifetime. Conditioned to (un)consciously take undue responsibility for the wellbeing of all beings and...

Service to Other

“In short, the path of service consists of doing that which is before your vision at this time with as much love as you can. Most paths of service are anything but dramatic, and all paths of service are equal. The quieting of a crying child, the smile to a stranger upon the street, the sharing of the self, of food, of shelter, of listening, the doing of a...

Terminology of Service to Self and Service to Other

I have been feeling that something about the terminology of Service to Self and Service to Other felt slightly dissonant to me ever since I first came across and reflected on them. I sense for one an undertone of affirming separation (self vs. other) and on the other hand a strong potential to feed the christian martyr programming (selflessness, sacrificing yourself for the other). Both of which to me...

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