
I think this is my favorite milestone to date in the journey of love:  The moment I KNEW that I am ready and fully capable of loving another in their light AND darkness, EVEN if my darkness is raging in the loudest language of trauma. This is a self mastery I wouldn’t have believed I was capable of just a few years back and yet I choose to work...


This is my third month of implementing more fully and consistently changes to my social interactions and engagements which I have been contemplating and been drawn to for the past two years. One of my ongoing experiments to find better alignment between my inner world and external expressions focusing on appreciation. I stopped congratulating people on their birthdays This is a rather funny thing to me as I wasn’t...

The Neurobiology of Love

“By learning how to self-generate love, you can raise your vagal tone. And with higher vagal tone, your attention and actions become more agile, more attuned to the people in your midst. You become better able to forge the interpersonal connections that give rise to positivity resonance. Through vagal tone, then, love begets love. Likewise, evidence suggests that positivity resonance raises your oxytocin levels. And under the influence of...

Internal Conversations

Here is what a conversations with my goody-two-shoes (GTS) part used to be like: Mind “He is fun and i enjoy the conversations we have but he is not my type, I am not attracted to him physically.“ GTS  “You cannot be so superficial, it’s the personality that counts, looks will fade away but the personality stays. You are not being very spiritual, are you?“ Inner Child “He does not...

The Beholder

„I can tell by the way the trees beat, after so many dull days, on my worried windowpanes that a storm is coming, and I hear the far-off fields say things I can’t bear without a friend, I can’t love without a sister. The storm, the shifter of shapes, drives on across the woods and across time, and the world looks as if it had no age: the landscape,...

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